After suffering my first heart attack, I was a mess. I am a classic overthinker. If I don’t have the solution readily available for a problem, I will get stuck in a thinking loop that never ends. Since I couldn’t get a good explanation of why I had the heart attack in the first place other than I have “sticky” cholesterol, I assumed I was doomed with bad genetics and there was nothing I could do except take my medicine. That was just about all the advice I had received. That didn’t sit well with me. The following months and years after the first heart attack in 2015, many people asked me how it happened and what I have to do to make sure I don’t have another heart attack. My response was always the same, “I just gotta take my medicine.” People would ask about diet advice and so on. The only advice I ever got was to make sure not to start smoking.
Well, the “I just gotta take my medicine” approach led me to suffer another heart attack in 2021. After the second heart attack, I knew I needed to make major changes. Obviously the “just take your medicine” approach to cardiovascular health isn’t the answer. Now I have so much clarity. I feel so stupid for even saying “just gotta take my medicine”. It’s a quitter mentality. It’s the mentality of someone who is stuck and quit searching for answers.
It has now been 8 months since my second heart attack. I have a better answer. Eat a 100% plant-based diet and you will see a life-changing transformation! By changing my diet, I have optimized every part of my life. I am beyond blessed and thankful for choosing this path.
I write this as a call to action. I want everyone to consider eating more PLANTS. It will not only change your life but the lives of everyone around you. Trust me. Way more to come on these topics… For now, I encourage you to read about my complete transformation and how you can easily transform your life as well. You don’t have to have heart disease to connect with me. My 7 Principles of Health, Wellness, and Longevity will transform your life if you feel stuck and want to make a major change with 7 simple steps.